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“I will seek what was lost and bring back what was driven away, bind up the broken and strengthen what was sick…”
— Ezekiel 34:16

The Least of These

Around the world there are millions of orphans growing up without families.

We work with adoption agencies to advocate for their waiting children, orphans who are difficult to find an adoptive family for due to some special need or circumstance. You can see the full list—including children from all over the globe—on our Waiting Children page, and you can see some of their faces below from our Instagram feed.

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News from The Shepherd’s Crook

Pray for Orphans in China

September 9, 2024

During our break last week, the Department of State issued an update on adoptions from China. The bottom line is that it is now impossible to adopt from China. If there were no more orphans in China who needed families, that would be one thing, but that is not the case. Our hearts break for the families who were in process to adopt but are now not allowed to finish, even though they have now been waiting for five years or more to bring their children home. Our hearts break for the children who had the promise of a family taken away from them. Our hearts break for the orphans in China who will never have the chance to be adopted. Pray for them, that God will care for them and meet their needs, even though adoption is no longer an option for most of them.

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Special Plea: Kyrell

Posted August 7, 2024

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Week in Review for October 11, 2024

Posted October 11, 2024

Scott & Kathy’s Story

Scott & Kathy Rosenow, the founders and directors of The Shepherd’s Crook, have written a book chronicling the first part of their story. Swaying in the Treetops covers their first decade as adoptive parents, as well as the founding of TSC. Click here to read more.